At Even Swindon Primary School, we are historians.
We believe that a well-rounded history curriculum will encourage our children to love history. Your child has no limits and we want to encourage them to achieve in all areas, whether they dream to be an archivist, museum curator, archaeologist or research analyst. We believe that our History curriculum will allow children to gain a wide understanding of how their current lives connect to the past and wider world.
We would like our History curriculum to provide children with sequential knowledge, skills and understanding, enabling them to build on and develop their skills each year, learning about history most relevant to themselves in EY and KS1, before working chronologically through British History, and looking at world history and significant historical events as they progress through the school. Pupils should be able to achieve an understanding of chronology, in order to develop a sense of identity and a cultural understanding based on their own historical heritage which will enable them to value their own and other people’s cultures in modern multicultural Britain.
We strive to inspire our pupils’ curiosity by making them aware of the actions of important people in history and enable children to know about significant events in British History, whilst appreciating how things have changed over time. We believe that teaching History in this way is important in broadening children’s horizons, challenging preconceived ideas and developing life skills in order to prepare them for the rest of their school life and beyond!
- At Even Swindon Primary School, History is taught every other term in KS1 and KS2. Within these terms, children will be taught weekly. In EYFS, History is taught every term, either through explicit teaching or through questioning, stories, play and discussion.
- We have chosen to follow a scheme of work written by Kapow to support our teaching of History. The units align with our intent and offer teachers support in delivering lessons which build historical understanding, a depth of knowledge of chronology, build historical vocabulary and provide resources to support this.
- In order to support children in their ability to know more and remember more, there are regular opportunities to review the learning that has taken place in previous year groups, as well as previous lessons. Teachers use highly effective Assessment for Learning at different points in each lesson to ensure misconceptions are highlighted and addressed.
- Through a range of assessment tools, differentiation is facilitated by teachers, to ensure that each pupil can access the History curriculum. Children are supported through a hands-on, practical approach to teaching History.
- Children are encouraged to ask their own questions to extend their learning and are given opportunities to conduct their own research.
- We offer an experience-rich curriculum, which includes educational visits, visitors, use of artefacts to enrich and enhance the pupil’s learning experience. As a school, we endeavour to allow children to enquire and investigate further through our WOW days.
- Children are given a knowledge organiser at the start of each topic which details key information, dates and vocabulary. This supports the children in building and retaining this information.
- The Early Years Foundation Framework supports children’s understanding of History through the planning and teaching of ‘Understanding the World’. Children are given the opportunities to find out about past and present events in their own lives, their families and other people they know.
- The use of our local environment and local History group supports our children’s understanding of our school, community and families. Locally, we make use of the Swindon Railway Village and The Railway Museum.
- Staff have opportunities for effective CPD to ensure high levels of confidence and knowledge are maintained throughout the year. The Kapow scheme offers video support for staff and children to broaden their knowledge, as well as the History team, who provide planning support, team teaching and develop knowledge in staff meetings.
We believe high quality learning in History has been achieved when pupils are able to talk with confidence and enthusiasm about what they have learnt using subject specific vocabulary. Pupils will be aware of how historical events have shaped the world that we currently live in and have a further understanding of History on a local level. Children will be able to recognise changes over time and have a good understanding of chronology.
This will be evident through engagement in lessons, pupil voice, display work, talking enthusiastically, and application of skills.
The impact of our History curriculum will be overseen by the subject leader(s) through learning walks, team teaching, book looks, pupil and staff voice, planning feedback and ongoing data analysis.