Welcome to our school

Even Swindon Primary is a school where children feel safe within a happy stimulating and attractive environment in which each child is encouraged to enjoy learning and develop a lively and enquiring mind. Our vision is ‘Believe, Achieve, Inspire’

Book Breakfast

In term 5, our book breakfast for the male role models in our lives was absolutely fantastic! Thank you to all the families who came along – it was a really relaxed atmosphere with some fantastic story sharing.

In term 6, we are going to hold the session at a different time of day to cater for family members who may not be able to make our morning sessions. Therefore, our next event will be an ‘Afternoon of Tea and Tales’. This will still involve hot drinks and pastries as well as lots of books for you and your family to engage in. Look out for the invitation during term 6.

Events in July 2024

  • Year 1 and 2 Disco

    Category: General Year 1 and 2 Disco

    1 July 2024

    Year 2 GWR Workshop in School

    Category: General Year 2 GWR Workshop in School

    1 July 2024

  • Didcot Class - Performance of Wonderland

    Category: General Didcot Class - Performance of Wonderland

    2 July 2024

    Year 2 Train ride to WSM

    Category: General Year 2 Train ride to WSM

    2 July 2024

    Years 3 and 4 Disco

    Category: General Years 3 and 4 Disco

    2 July 2024

    New Reception Parents Meeting (those starting in Sept 24)

    Category: General New Reception Parents Meeting (those starting in Sept 24)

    2 July 2024

  • Signal Box local walk

    Category: General Signal Box local walk

    3 July 2024

    Year 2 Train ride to WSM

    Category: General Year 2 Train ride to WSM

    3 July 2024

  • Reception and Year 5 and 6 Disco

    Category: General Reception and Year 5 and 6 Disco

    4 July 2024

    Year 1 Noahs Ark Farm

    Category: General Year 1 Noahs Ark Farm

    4 July 2024

    Year 2 Train ride to WSM

    Category: General Year 2 Train ride to WSM

    4 July 2024

  • Celebration Assembly - Reception, Year 1 and Signal Box

    Category: General Celebration Assembly - Reception, Year 1 and Signal Box

    5 July 2024

  • Didcot Class - Performance of Wonderland

    Category: General Didcot Class - Performance of Wonderland

    8 July 2024

  • Paddington Class - Performance of Wonderland

    Category: General Paddington Class - Performance of Wonderland

    9 July 2024

  • Reading Class - Performance of Wonderland

    Category: General Reading Class - Performance of Wonderland

    10 July 2024

    Signal Box local walk

    Category: General Signal Box local walk

    10 July 2024

  • Transition Day - Children in 24/25 classes

    Category: General Transition Day - Children in 24/25 classes

    11 July 2024

  • Transition Day - Children in 24/25 classes

    Category: General Transition Day - Children in 24/25 classes

    12 July 2024

    Celebration Assembly - Years 5 and 6

    Category: General Celebration Assembly - Years 5 and 6

    12 July 2024

  • Swindon Music Service Rock and Pop Roadshow

    Category: General Swindon Music Service Rock and Pop Roadshow

    15 July 2024

  • Good to be Green end of year event

    Category: General Good to be Green end of year event

    17 July 2024

    Signal Box local walk

    Category: General Signal Box local walk

    17 July 2024

  • Year 6 BBQ

    Category: General Year 6 BBQ

    18 July 2024

  • Air Tattoo (for some children in Years 4, 5 and 6)

    Category: General Air Tattoo (for some children in Years 4, 5 and 6)

    19 July 2024

    Celebration Assembly - Years 2, 3 and 4

    Category: General Celebration Assembly - Years 2, 3 and 4

    19 July 2024

  • Year 6 Leavers Evening

    Category: General Year 6 Leavers Evening

    23 July 2024

  • Last day - School finishes early at 1:30pm

    Category: General Last day - School finishes early at 1:30pm

    24 July 2024

  • School holiday

    Category: General School holiday

    25 July 2024 1 September 2024

  • School holiday

    Category: General School holiday

    25 July 2024 1 September 2024

  • School holiday

    Category: General School holiday

    25 July 2024 1 September 2024

  • School holiday

    Category: General School holiday

    25 July 2024 1 September 2024

  • School holiday

    Category: General School holiday

    25 July 2024 1 September 2024

  • School holiday

    Category: General School holiday

    25 July 2024 1 September 2024

  • School holiday

    Category: General School holiday

    25 July 2024 1 September 2024