
Term 5 Summary:

We would like to share with you snippets from our learning in term 5. 

This term started with interesting discussions around our enquiry question: ‘How do we move?’. Children shared with us what they know about their bodies focusing on our teeth and what we can do to keep them healthy.

We held tooth brushing sessions for children in school, sharing best brushing techniques and talking about why brushing teeth is important. A lot of children experienced mint flavoured tooth paste for the first time and that was quite an adventure 😊.

Our Local History Day planned for this term focused on learning about our school logo and how it links to the history of our local area and the Great Western Railway. Children were excited to see pictures of familiar landmarks from our local area and keen to share what they know about those places. 

GWR and our school logo led our learning to other means of transport – trains and buses. We have been exploring how people use them to move from one place to another. We set up a train station experience where children could enjoy a train ride in a simulated, make-believe scenario with train tickets, suitcases and a train driver taking us on a ride to the seaside. This was so much fun!

Literacy texts this term were dominated by the transport themed ones. We went on a train ride and we travelled around London on a bus. These texts inspired children to role play bus stations and bus drivers. We also had a go at practising good pedestrian skills in our continuous provision making sure we know what to do and how to cross a busy road.

Maths this term concentrated around consolidating our knowledge of number bonds to 5 and some number bonds to 10. Children have been putting in practice their number skills to solve number problems using doubling, adding and taking away. We have also continued to practise counting beyond 10 and recognising the pattern of the counting system.

This term has also brought a lot of opportunities for the children to put their metacognition skills to the test. Children have been using their resilience and perseverance when approaching new challenges. They also discovered that their self-esteem can be boosted by their peers’ praise so we have been showing a lot of support to all who were having a go at something unfamiliar or new.

PE days

Redruth, St. Austell and Truro classes will all have PE on a Friday.

Instagram Pages

We would love you to follow our learning journey in school on our class Instagram page. These are locked down, private pages that only members who have been accepted by the class teacher can see. When you request to follow the class page, please message the class teacher on Instagram to confirm which child you are a parent of in the class, as this is not always clear in the username/picture. Please only request to follow the classes that you have children in.

Redruth – @Even_Swindon_Redruth_23_24

Truro – @Even_Swindon_Truro_23_24

St. Austell – @Even_Swindon_StAustell_23_24