Year 3

Term 4 Summary

Our enquiry question for this term has been “How have we changed since the first man?”. It has been a fascinating topic, allowing our students to delve into the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age.

To enhance their understanding, we arranged an educational visit to Avebury, which proved to be an invaluable experience for everyone involved. The children enthusiastically explored the site, further deepening their knowledge of this historical period.

In addition to the trip, our history lessons and guided reading texts have broadened the students’ understanding of these eras, helping them appreciate the advancements humanity has made over time. Their engagement and enthusiasm during these lessons have been outstanding. In art, the children had the opportunity to create their own prehistoric paintings.

In PSHE, we have focused on personal well-being, particularly on being healthy and staying safe. The children have been actively engaged in discussions and activities that promote positive lifestyle choices. 

Overall, it has been a fantastic term, filled with exciting opportunities for learning!

PE days

Dawlish: Tuesday        Teignmouth: Thursday      Exeter: Thursday 

Instagram Pages

We would love you to follow our learning journey in school on our class Instagram page. These are locked down, private pages that only members who have been accepted by the class teacher can see. When you request to follow the class page, please message the class teacher on Instagram to confirm which child you are a parent of in the class, as this is not always clear in the username/picture. Please only request to follow the classes that you have children in.

Dawlish – dawlish_evenswindon_23_24

Teignmouth – evenswindon_teignmouth23_24

Exeter – even_swindon_Exeter23_24

Meet the Year Three team: