Year 5

Term 5 summary

Our main focus this term in Geography was learning about why our oceans are important to us. We learnt about how our oceans are used, the impact that humans are having on our oceans both negatively and positively and we completed some local fieldwork, where we visited the River Ray to observe how polluted our local area was.

In DT, the children explored cooking and nutrition where we focused on seasonal produce that we could incorporate into our soup recipes. Children enjoyed the consumer research that we completed where they tried a variety of different soups including seasonal produce to then help them plan their own recipe before making, tasting and evaluating it.

In English this term, we’ve looked at writing to inform by writing newspaper reports linked to our Geography topic. One Monday morning, towards the end of term, Mr Rouse discovered an unidentified creature in the school pond, sadly suffocating on plastic pollution. The children went and visited the scene and spoke with key members of staff who were witnesses, before writing up their reports.

In other lessons, children have enjoyed learning new techniques during our cricket lessons and they’ve learnt about prepositions and adjectives in French. Computing lessons allowed the children to become programmers, while in PSHE, they explored different feelings associated with different situations in friendships and also looked at how they can keep themselves safe whilst communicating with friends online.

Well done to all in Year 5 for a fantastic term!

PE days

The children have one set PE lesson and another physical activity session each week. The children only need to wear PE kit for their set PE lesson. In Year 5, the children will take part in a swimming lesson each week for a number of weeks in this first Autumn term, which replaces their set PE lesson for those weeks. The first class swimming this term is Swindon class; therefore, children in Swindon class do not need to come into school on any day wearing their PE kit. They will need a swimming kit with them in school on a Friday.

Y5 ClassSet PE Lesson DayPhysical Activity Day
Bath SpaTuesday – PE kit neededFriday
ChippenhamTuesday – PE kit neededThursday
SwindonFriday – SwimmingThursday

Instagram Pages

We would love you to follow our learning journey in school on our class Instagram page. These are locked down, private pages that only members who have been accepted by the class teacher can see. When you request to follow the class page, please message the class teacher on Instagram to confirm which child you are a parent of in the class, as this is not always clear in the username/picture. Please only request to follow the classes that you have children in.
Bath Spa – evenswindon_bathspa_2324
Chippenham – evenswindon_chippenham2324
Swindon – swindon_evenswindon

Meet the Year 5 team