At Even Swindon Primary School, we are artists.
We believe that a well-rounded Art curriculum will engage, inspire and challenge pupils to develop a thirst for lifelong learning. We offer an experience-rich, vibrant and child-centred programme of study which is ambitious for all learners. Children learn to explore their ideas and record their experiences into their sketch books, and evaluate and analyse their work, including that of great artists, craft makers and designers.
We have carefully designed our curriculum so that pupils are able to acquire sequential knowledge and skills which enable them to become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques. They will know about great artists, craft makers and designers and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.
We strive to inspire our pupils by considering our local environment and context to enrich the experience of all learners. Our curriculum is enhanced by our commitment to developing the whole child, enabling them to embrace new challenges, push their own artistic boundaries, reflect on their learning and become responsible, respectful and resilient members of our community.
- In Key Stage 1 and 2 Art is taught every other term. On the terms that it is being taught, Art lessons are taught weekly. In the Early Years, it is interwoven within the wider curriculum.
- We have chosen to use the Kapow schemes of work to support our teaching of Art. We have chosen this scheme as it covers a wide range of art disciplines and media, and aligns with our curriculum progression documents.
- In the Early Years, Art is taught under the headings of mark making, sculpture/construction and materials. However, there are also Kapow units which supports this.
- Our curriculum progression documents ensure that the teaching of art is sequential, and that learning builds on that of the previous learning.
- Assessment for learning constantly takes place during Art lessons and sketch books are used to evidence acquisition of knowledge and skills. Teachers then make a summative judgement at the end of each unit.
- To ensure that all children can access the art curriculum, tools may be selected to meet the physical needs of learner, for example, larger paper, pencils or brushes. Where more complex vocabulary is required, visual aids such as InPrint is used to make reading and sharing of information more accessible.
- Pupils who demonstrate mastery of knowledge and skills are encouraged to coach and support others.
- We are very lucky to have a well-resourced Art curriculum which allows children to use a wide range of media. There are opportunities for groups of pupils to work with artists in school, and for children to use the local environment to inspire creative works.
- There are opportunities for work to be exhibited and celebrated around the school. We take pride in our school being a bright, creative environment for all our learners.
- There are wider opportunities for children to develop their love of art through after school clubs. We are also very lucky to have a pottery club which is able to use our in-house kiln to create fantastic clay work.
- The Kapow scheme offers a range of CPD videos to support staff in their delivery of art lessons. Further to this, the Art team work collaboratively with colleagues to support planning, team teach and provide CPD through staff meetings.
We believe high quality learning in Art has been achieved when pupils can appreciate the craftsmanship of a piece and thoughtfully design and evaluate theirs and others work. When they recognise and discuss how art styles and disciplines have changed overtime, and how they may continue to change into the future. Children will be able to use art as a means of self-expression.
This will be evident through children’s engagement in lessons and their ability to talk knowledgably and enthusiastically about the subject. There will be displays around the school demonstrating children’s artwork and children will be making proactive choices to use different art forms in lessons other than art.
The impact of our Art curriculum will be overseen by the subject leader(s) through learning walks, team teaching, book looks, pupil and staff voice, planning feedback, and ongoing data analysis.