

At Even Swindon Primary School, we are digital innovators.

We believe in your child and encourage them to be digitally aware of being responsible online and safe online citizens. Pupils are challenged and as a result, they achieve highly. We encourage the development of digital literacy, with a wide range of opportunities for children to read and comprehend within our curriculum. We will Inspire them to express themselves and develop their ideas through information and communication technology, pitched at a suitable level, preparing them to continue their journey within a digital world and setting them up for future immersed in technology.

We believe that a well-rounded Computing Curriculum that encompasses all aspects of high- quality digital curriculum will lead your child to success. A strong Online Safety Education enhances this. Alongside Online Safety lessons, we offer every year group units in: Computing Systems and Network, Media, Programming and Data and Information. These areas will be built upon each year as your child continues their journey though Even Swindon Primary School.

We have carefully designed our computing curriculum to provide your child with the confidence to develop their independence and become resilient digital citizens, with many opportunities for experience rich learning and in depth problem solving. To achieve this, we use many digital, physical and paper based resources and activities.



We believe high quality learning in computing has been achieved when pupils have an understanding of coding, have a good understanding of online safety, understand how computers work and how they contact with each other and use computers to produce a wide range of multimedia. 

This will be evident through pupil voice, evidence shared online, discussions with the children, as well as a range of completed projects.

The impact of our computing curriculum will be overseen by the subject leader(s) through learning walks, team teaching, book looks, pupil and staff voice, planning feedback, and ongoing data analysis.

The Blue Kite Academy Trust

The Blue Kite Academy Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales, Company Number 09889819