
Our Commitment

Even Swindon Primary School is committed to the promotion of welfare and safeguarding of all children and expects all staff and visitors to share this commitment.

Safeguard- definition

protect from harm or damage with an appropriate measure.

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead: Rachael Smith – Headteacher

Our Deputy Safeguarding Leads: Carol Chard – Pastoral, Naomi Sly – Deputy Head, Hayley Clayton – Assistant Head, Natasha Holmes – Assistant Head.

Our Ethos

The staff and governors of Even Swindon Primary School are committed to:



Please click here to read our latest Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.

Health and Safety

Our site and facilities are constantly monitored and maintained to provide a safe and secure environment for all staff, students and visitors. We undertake regular fire drills and plan for any possible emergency scenarios. All teaching assistants attend a First Aid training course and work in conjunction with our Medicines and Sickness Policy; as well as our school Nurse, Sarah Hatten.

All staff and visitors on site are expected to sign in using our visitor management system and wear any relevant ID.

All trips outside of Even Swindon are risk assessed and appropriate measures are put in place for the safety of our pupils.

Any Health and Safety issues should be reported to our Health and Safety Lead- Emma Pearce

Health and Safety Policy

Pre-Employment Checks

Swindon Borough Council follows the guidance set out in Keeping Children Safe in Education relating to safer recruitment processes. All visiting professionals who visit Even Swindon Primary School and have unsupervised regular access to children and young people must have had the relevant pre-employment checks carried out, including DBS checks.

Information on DBS Checks


All school system are ran and maintained in house with appropriate filtering and restrictions in place to limit what students and staff are able to access. Web traffic is monitored and logged in accordance with the Prevent Policy. E-safety plays a large roll in the PSHE and Computing Curriculum which is developed by our E-safety Lead.

We also offer help and advice during parents evenings and through E-safety parent workshops.

Useful Contacts and Links

The Blue Kite Academy Trust

The Blue Kite Academy Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales, Company Number 09889819