
Events in July 2024

  • Year 1 and 2 Disco

    Category: General Year 1 and 2 Disco

    1 July 2024

    Year 2 GWR Workshop in School

    Category: General Year 2 GWR Workshop in School

    1 July 2024

  • Didcot Class - Performance of Wonderland

    Category: General Didcot Class - Performance of Wonderland

    2 July 2024

    Year 2 Train ride to WSM

    Category: General Year 2 Train ride to WSM

    2 July 2024

    Years 3 and 4 Disco

    Category: General Years 3 and 4 Disco

    2 July 2024

    New Reception Parents Meeting (those starting in Sept 24)

    Category: General New Reception Parents Meeting (those starting in Sept 24)

    2 July 2024

  • Signal Box local walk

    Category: General Signal Box local walk

    3 July 2024

    Year 2 Train ride to WSM

    Category: General Year 2 Train ride to WSM

    3 July 2024

  • Reception and Year 5 and 6 Disco

    Category: General Reception and Year 5 and 6 Disco

    4 July 2024

    Year 1 Noahs Ark Farm

    Category: General Year 1 Noahs Ark Farm

    4 July 2024

    Year 2 Train ride to WSM

    Category: General Year 2 Train ride to WSM

    4 July 2024

  • Celebration Assembly - Reception, Year 1 and Signal Box

    Category: General Celebration Assembly - Reception, Year 1 and Signal Box

    5 July 2024

  • Didcot Class - Performance of Wonderland

    Category: General Didcot Class - Performance of Wonderland

    8 July 2024

  • Paddington Class - Performance of Wonderland

    Category: General Paddington Class - Performance of Wonderland

    9 July 2024

  • Reading Class - Performance of Wonderland

    Category: General Reading Class - Performance of Wonderland

    10 July 2024

    Signal Box local walk

    Category: General Signal Box local walk

    10 July 2024

  • Transition Day - Children in 24/25 classes

    Category: General Transition Day - Children in 24/25 classes

    11 July 2024

  • Transition Day - Children in 24/25 classes

    Category: General Transition Day - Children in 24/25 classes

    12 July 2024

    Celebration Assembly - Years 5 and 6

    Category: General Celebration Assembly - Years 5 and 6

    12 July 2024

  • Swindon Music Service Rock and Pop Roadshow

    Category: General Swindon Music Service Rock and Pop Roadshow

    15 July 2024

  • Good to be Green end of year event

    Category: General Good to be Green end of year event

    17 July 2024

    Signal Box local walk

    Category: General Signal Box local walk

    17 July 2024

  • Year 6 BBQ

    Category: General Year 6 BBQ

    18 July 2024

  • Air Tattoo (for some children in Years 4, 5 and 6)

    Category: General Air Tattoo (for some children in Years 4, 5 and 6)

    19 July 2024

    Celebration Assembly - Years 2, 3 and 4

    Category: General Celebration Assembly - Years 2, 3 and 4

    19 July 2024

  • Year 6 Leavers Evening

    Category: General Year 6 Leavers Evening

    23 July 2024

  • Last day - School finishes early at 1:30pm

    Category: General Last day - School finishes early at 1:30pm

    24 July 2024

  • School holiday

    Category: General School holiday

    25 July 2024 1 September 2024

  • School holiday

    Category: General School holiday

    25 July 2024 1 September 2024

  • School holiday

    Category: General School holiday

    25 July 2024 1 September 2024

  • School holiday

    Category: General School holiday

    25 July 2024 1 September 2024

  • School holiday

    Category: General School holiday

    25 July 2024 1 September 2024

  • School holiday

    Category: General School holiday

    25 July 2024 1 September 2024

  • School holiday

    Category: General School holiday

    25 July 2024 1 September 2024