

At Even Swindon Primary School, we are Mathematicians.

We believe that our well-rounded Maths curriculum will enable children to become confident problem solvers who embrace and enjoy the challenge of applying a range of skills and strategies to real life contexts.

We have carefully designed our Maths curriculum to provide opportunities for children to explore Maths and we aim for children to develop a deep and secure understanding of mathematical concepts through an experience rich curriculum.

We strive to inspire our pupils to secure and master a mathematical understanding which supports them in their everyday lives and will aid them in being successful in life beyond their school years.



We believe high quality learning in maths has been achieved when pupils view themselves as mathematicians, showing confidence and capability in solving problems as they apply their learned knowledge and skill in real life contexts.

This will be evident through high engagement in lessons from all pupils, well-resourced classroom environments with models, images and manipulatives easily accessible, progression of skills taught through a small-step, mastery approach and a high success rate of children meeting the national expectations at the end of Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.

The impact of our maths curriculum will be overseen by the subject leader(s) through learning walks, team teaching, book looks, pupil and staff voice, planning feedback, and ongoing data analysis.

The Blue Kite Academy Trust

The Blue Kite Academy Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales, Company Number 09889819