Term 1 summary:
What an exciting first term we’ve had in Reception! All of the children have settled in so quickly and it’s been lovely watching them form new friendships. They’ve quickly learned the routines of our school day and we’ve already been working super hard on developing our phonics skills.
We started the term looking at the story of Owl Babies where we found out that the Mummy Owl always returns to her owl babies, just like our own parents at home time!! After that, we moved onto Monkey Puzzle – we loved acting out this story and describing our own Mummies, just like Monkey! Our last story focus this term was Funny Bones, we have been busy drawing and making skeletons and we’ve thought about who lives in the ‘dark, dark house’ and who lives in our own houses.
In Maths we have been focusing on number patterns – we’ve sorted, ordered, created patterns and have been using shapes to make new shapes! We’ve started working on subitising to 5 and have been developing our counting skills.
The Reception team would really like to thank you for all your support this term and for helping us to settle your children into life at Even Swindon.
Welcome to Term 2
Our enquiry question for Term 1 is ‘What do I celebrate?’ and we will be looking at all different kids of celebrations, this will include Diwali, Remembrance Day, Birthdays and Christmas. We’ve got lots of exciting opportunities for the children planned so it will be a very busy term!
Key dates for the term:
12th November Odd Socks day!
15th November Children in Need – non-uniform day
22nd November No school – Teacher Development Day
28th November Disco after school – tickets need to be purchased
29th November Non-uniform – please bring in a donation for the Christmas fete – more details to follow
6th December PTA Christmas fete after school
17th December Reception Nativity Performance at 2pm Friday 20th December Last day of term, finish at 1:30
PE days
PE will continue this term on a Friday. Please could children continue coming to school in their PE kits and could earrings be removed before coming to school on this day.
Home learning
Lots of our children have already achieved their 25 reads certificate in school for their reading at home. Please ensure that you are reading with your child 3-4 times a week at home and recording this in their reading record books.

Celebration assembly
This term we will begin to join the rest of the school for their celebration assemblies – these will be every three weeks and you will be able to find the dates on the newsletters. Our first one will be on Friday 15th November at 8:50, it should last around 20-30 minutes and parents are welcome to join us for this.
Outside Play
The weather is getting colder and wetter but our children still want to play outside! Please ensure that your child is coming to school each day with a warm, waterproof coat. It is also recommended that children have a pair of (named) wellies that they keep in school. Children may also bring in hats and gloves – please make sure that they are clearly named.
We welcome you to talk with the class teacher or TA at the start or end of each day, please ask us any questions that you may have.
Instagram Pages
We would love you to follow our learning journey in school on our class Instagram page. These are locked down, private pages that only members who have been accepted by the class teacher can see. When you request to follow the class page, please message the class teacher on Instagram to confirm which child you are a parent of in the class, as this is not always clear in the username/picture. Please only request to follow the classes that you have children in.
Redruth – @Even_Swindon_Redruth_24_25
Truro – @Even_Swindon_Truro_24_25