Signal Box
Term 1 summary:
Our focus book in Term 1 has been ‘We’re Going on a Picnic’ by Pat Hutchins – a perfect book for the Autumn. In English we learned and were able to sequence the story. We turned the story into a play and performed it to the Year 1 classes and Signal Box parents in St Augustine’s church as part of our Harvest Festival. To help us in our roles we watched films of the animals in the story and thought about how the characters would move – and we learned the correct way to pick apples and pears. We also enjoyed learning and singing and signing our harvest songs.
In Signal Box science we have been looking at and exploring materials – naming them and investigating their properties. We designed and carried out an experiment to find out which biscuit was the strongest and which materials were the best to use for a picnic blanket.
In maths Platform 2 have been looking at place value and how to represent amounts using various concrete items and Platform 1 have been focusing on subitising and composition of numbers 1, 2 and 3.
Different timelines have been the focus of our history lessons and we have learnt how to order different events over various lengths of time including learning about the history of teddy bears and placing the bears along their timeline.
We have also enjoyed getting out and about on our Wednesday Walks including to Old Town Gardens, Hagbourne Copse and Lydiard Park, picked blackberries, made a crumble, chopped and blended vegetables to make a soup, melted marshmallows for rice-crispy pumpkins, drummed… We have enjoyed getting to know new Signal Box children and our new classes as well as Mrs Smith, who joined us on a boggy, squelchy Wednesday Walk to Mannington Rec. We have had a very busy term 😊!
School uniform and PE kit
Please ensure your child is wearing the correct school uniform each day. They will also need to have their PE kits in school, with their house colour t-shirt, PE kits will be sent home at the end of term. All Signal Box children will join their mainstream classes for PE but might also do additional sessions during the week. If you would like any help with making sure your child has the correct clothing, please have a look on the school website.
Reading Records
Reading books and reading records will once again come home in book bags with the expectation that you read with your child most days. This may be their reading book, or it may be another book from home you read with them. They will receive a reward and certificate for every 50 reads they complete.
For children in year 1- 6 English and maths homework will be sent home on Fridays. Homework books will need to be returned to class on or before Wednesday. The English and maths homework will be designed to reinforce and practice essential skills in these subjects. Spellings will be sent home weekly, and tested on Friday.
Outdoor Learning and Enrichment
This year we will be continuing with our weekly enrichment on Wednesdays. Getting out and about on local walks and trips and continuing to explore more ways to use our outdoor environment and local area to enrich learning. Skye, our therapy dog, will continue to join us on some of our visits and we will also use the school mini bus and Mrs Butcher’s car when we are exploring further afield.
Therefore, can you please provide your child with a pair of wellies to be kept at school in case we decide to take our learning outside. Please also ensure your child comes to school prepared for the weather; a coat on chilly days, gloves and a woolly hat on even chillier days and sun cream and sunhats on lovely sunny days.
Signal Box have a new instagram for this academic year – signal_box_24.25.
Please follow us so we can share photos and information over the year. We can only accept ‘follows’ from parents and immediate carers . Your child’s mainstream class will also have an Instagram account which will be in their welcome letter.