Year 1

Term 5 Summary:

We’ve had a great start to the summer term and have enjoyed going outside for some of our lessons.   

This term in science we have been learning about different trees and plants. We have been exploring the school grounds and we have identified different plants and trees. We found a sycamore tree at the front of the school and a cherry tree on our playground. We have identified the different parts of a plant and we even planted our own sunflower seeds.

In DT, we have been revisiting what healthy foods are and we designed and made our own healthy snack. We had brilliant cutting skills to make a fruit kebab and they were delicious!

As part of our writing lessons this term, we have been writing our own stories based on the story ‘The Queen’s hat’. Our writing was fantastic!

Each week in geography, we have been recording what the weather is like in the four countries of the UK to see if the weather is the same everywhere in the UK.

During this term, we also enjoyed a local history afternoon where we had to find out why our classes were named as they are. We looked at the Great Western Railway line and we could see places with our class names.

PE days

Par – Fridays
Bodmin – Thursdays  
Liskeard – Tuesdays

Instagram Pages

We would love you to follow our learning journey in school on our class Instagram page. These are locked down, private pages that only members who have been accepted by the class teacher can see. When you request to follow the class page, please message the class teacher on Instagram to confirm which child you are a parent of in the class, as this is not always clear in the username/picture. Please only request to follow the classes that you have children in.

Par – @even_swindon_par_23_24

Bodmin – @even_swindon_bodmin_23_24

Liskeard – @even_swindon_liskeard_23_24

Meet the Year 1 team:

Liskeard Class