Year 2

Term 5 summary:

In Term 5 our topic has been all about ‘Who lives in a house like this?’ focusing on the different types of castles the monarchy built and lived in and has had a history focus, this term. The children have also been learning about the monarchies in the past, especially William the Conqueror and enjoyed learning about the Bayeaux Tapestry and designing their own part of it. The big highlight of the term was our school trip to Berkeley Castle, which the children thoroughly enjoyed. They have learnt lots about different castles throughout the term and showed excellent skills and knowledge during our trip.

In Art, we have gained lots of knowledge and skills on how to use clay. The children learnt to impress, use relief and slip and then applied these skills to making their own pinch pots and a tile castle. They were able to add lots of great detail to their clay castles and they looked amazing!

We have continued to look at different plants, seeds and bulbs in Science this term. The children were able to identify pips and seeds in a selection of fruit and vegetable, which we have planted and watch grow. We have also conducted our own investigation using cress seeds and planting them in different environments to see how well they grow in a variety of places. The children have enjoyed observing the different results and making their own predictions.

In writing, we have continued with out royal theme and the children have written letters to King Charles III. They worked really hard on these letters and included lots of great information to tell him about our topic this term as well as some very good questions, that we are hoping he will reply to!

PE days
Newton Abbot – Thursday
Totnes – Thursday
Plymouth – Wednesday

Instagram Pages
We would love you to follow our learning journey in school on our class Instagram page. These are locked down, private pages that only members who have been accepted by the class teacher can see. When you request to follow the class page, please message the class
teacher on Instagram to confirm which child you are a parent of in the class, as this is not always clear in the username/picture. Please only request to follow the classes that you have children in.

Newton Abbot – even_swindon_newtonabbot_23_24
Totnes – even_swindon_totnes23_24
Plymouth – even_swindon_plymouth23_2