Year 2
Term 1 Summary:
Hello and welcome to Year 2!
It has been an exciting and a busy term for the children. We are pleased to report that settling in and learning Year 2 routines have been a successful process for the children.
Our topic this term was ‘How has my school changed?’ and we have focused our learning around History with links to the local area and local citizens who were able to visit us and talk to us about their school experiences back in the 1960s. It was exciting to be able to ask questions and hear stories about schools in the past. Children had their opportunity to ask their brilliant questions, such as:
“What did you wear to school?”
“Where did you play at break times?”.
In Art, the children have been using their map skills to create abstract art inspired by maps. The children have experimented with shape, colour, texture and size. They have learnt a variety of new skills, such as creating shape arrangements with see through cellophane, fabric, match sticks and cardboard to name a few. Children were particularly proud of their prints that they made as part of their process of creating an abstract piece of art.
In Science, children have been exploring different materials and learning about their properties and suitability. To support their learning in this area of the science curriculum, children learnt a skill of comparison to select materials that were the most suitable for their purpose. They have enjoyed selecting the best materials to protect Humpty Dumpty form cracking its shell. Children were involved in the process of selecting materials, creating protective layers around the eggs and testing their ideas through dropping eggs on the floor. This was a very exciting part of their learning!
Metacognition sessions left the children feeling confident about reflecting on their learning. The children have had a go at learning a completely new skill and discovered what strategies help them best to learn and how our reflections can support us in our learning process.
What a busy term we have had!
PE days
Newton Abbot – Thursday
Totnes – Thursday
Plymouth – Thursday
Instagram Pages
We invite all the parents to follow their child’s learning journey in school on our class Instagram page. Each class has a locked down, private page where only members who have been accepted by the class teacher can view the content of the posts. Please request to follow your child’s class Instagram page by messaging the class teacher with the full name of your child so we know who you are as this is not always clear in the username/picture.
Newton Abbot – even_swindon_newtonabbot_24_25
Totnes – even_swindon_totnes_24_25
Plymouth – evenswindon_plymouth_24_25
Homework in Year 2 is sent out on a Friday and we ask for the books to be returned by the following Wednesday. Each week children will have maths, English and spelling tasks to practise. We also strongly encourage children to read at home daily. This will support every child in becoming a confident and fluent reader. Reading records hold log in cards for Oxford Owl where your child can access reading books through a digital library as well as log ins for Doodle maths – an online platform for practising maths daily. If you have any questions about homework, please ask – we are here, ready to listen.