Year 4

Term 1 summary:

We have had a very busy first term centred around our enquiry question ‘Why are rivers important?’ A big focus of this has been our geography where we learnt about parts of the river, the water cycle and what rivers are used for. We have enjoyed practical experiences in science to help learn about classification keys and living things. We broke these down in to different groups like vertebrates and invertebrates before carrying out a minibeast hunt and making our own versions of classification keys.

In art, we have developed our shading and sketching techniques. We thought carefully about drawing in proportion and using light and dark to show 3D effects and also using different hatching techniques to help to show light and dark areas. Finally, we combined these skills to sketch pumpkins.

In English, our writing has focused on the Disney animation ‘Feast’ and our class book ‘The Wild Robot’. Children have been learning to use new skills like fronted adverbials more accurately in their narrative writing and thought about character perspective to write a personal recount.

Additionally, in music we have been learning to play the glockenpsiels in time with different pieces of music. Our PE lessons have seen children develop their fundamental skills to improve their agility, balance, coordination and speed as well as applying these through some rounders. French lessons have focused around learning classroom instructions and about different animals and our Computing lessons has developed our understanding of the internet, the world wide web and how they are connected to networks using switched and routers.

PE days

Bristol                            Tuesday and Friday

Taunton                         Tuesday and Friday

Tiverton                         Tuesday and Friday

Instagram Pages

We would love you to follow our learning journey in school on our class Instagram page. These are locked down, private pages that only members who have been accepted by the class teacher can see. When you request to follow the class page, please message the class teacher on Instagram to confirm which child you are a parent of in the class, as this is not always clear in the username/picture. Please only request to follow the classes that you have children in.

Bristol – bristol_evenswindon2425
Taunton – taunton_evenswindon2425
Tiverton – tiverton_evenswindon2425

The Blue Kite Academy Trust

The Blue Kite Academy Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales, Company Number 09889819