Year 4

Term 5 summary

This term our main focus in History was learning about the Tudors. We started off this topic with a trip to Hampton Court to provide some valuable information about Henry VIII and life in Tudor times. We also enjoyed a visit from the Queen (Elizabeth I) to help her understanding about Royal Progresses.

In Art, the children explored a variety of different sculpting techniques using different skills and materials. We used carving skills to sculpt soap and then used different combining and shaping techniques to create wire sculptures. Finally, children explored the use of shadows to create art once they had made paper sculptures with their chosen words to describe their class.

Children relished the hands-on opportunities of science this term to investigate electrical circuits. Then, using their new knowledge, they were able to investigate conductors and insulators and recognise the purpose of switches in circuits. Children developed their understanding of circuits symbols and were able to draw circuit diagrams based on the circuits they had made.

Our class book, Song of a Dolphin Boy, lead to some inspired persuasive writing about the amount of plastic pollution in our oceans in particular. It was great to see the enthusiasm and passion lots of children had for this writing. In our other lessons, children have learnt about describing appearances of themselves and other people in French and have loved learning new techniques during our tennis lessons where children continued to develop control in their rallies. Computing lessons allowed the children to edit and manipulate images, while in PSHE they explored different emotions when dealing with challenging situations in relationships. Well done to all of Year 4 for some more brilliant work.

Key dates for the first term

Fri. 15th September – First Celebration Assembly
Thurs 21st September – Multiplication Times Table Check (MTC) Parent Workshop
Fri. 29th September – Macmillan Coffee Morning
Fri. 13th October – Walk to School Day
16th & 17th October – Parents’ Evenings
Wed. 18th October – Last day of term (finish normal time)

PE days

Bristol                            Wednesday and Friday

Taunton                          Tuesday and Thursday

Tiverton                          Tuesday and Thursday

Instagram Pages

We would love you to follow our learning journey in school on our class Instagram page. These are locked down, private pages that only members who have been accepted by the class teacher can see. When you request to follow the class page, please message the class teacher on Instagram to confirm which child you are a parent of in the class, as this is not always clear in the username/picture. Please only request to follow the classes that you have children in.

Bristol – bristol_evenswindon_2324

Taunton – taunton_evenswindon_2324

Tiverton – tiverton_evenswindon2324

Meet the Year 4 team: